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Dental Emergencies: How Our Practice Ensures You're Well Looked After

severe-mouth-pain-sq-300At Chatswood Dental Associates, we pride ourselves on making sure our patients are well taken care of, particularly when it comes to dental emergencies. If you’re a new patient with a dental emergency, your first step should be to call our front desk. We can accommodate you on the same day 99.9% of the time.

While we usually don’t accept walk-ins, we’re flexible enough to ensure you’ll be seen as soon as possible, whether after hours, before hours or during lunchtime. Of course, this depends on the severity of your emergency.

What Constitutes a Dental Emergency?

Dental emergencies can be classified into two categories:

Urgent situations: These include trauma or infections that compromise a patient’s airway. If you’ve fallen and hurt your teeth or face, rest assured you’ll be seen that day, regardless of how busy we are. Similarly, patients with swellings affecting their airway will be seen immediately. All you need to do is call us or send us a message explaining the situation, and we’ll accommodate you at all times.

Sports injuries also fall under the urgent category. If you’ve sustained an injury while playing sports, getting treatment as quickly as possible is crucial for a better outcome.

If you’ve knocked out a tooth due to trauma, place it in milk and come straight to our practice. The milk helps keep the cells alive, increasing the chances of reattaching the tooth.

Less urgent situations: These typically involve broken front teeth, back teeth causing significant discomfort, sensitivity to hot and cold, painful chewing, wisdom teeth issues, broken fillings, and sudden infections. While these situations are still important, they may not require immediate attention, like urgent cases.

A Special Service for Existing Patients

As part of our commitment to excellent patient care, we provide our existing patients with the dentist’s direct mobile number. This ensures you can contact us quickly and easily in case of an emergency or any other concerns.

Book an Appointment

If you’re experiencing a dental emergency, contact us straightaway. We want to help you get the dental care you need to preserve your pearly whites!

* Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Before proceeding, you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner.

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